January 24: Monthly Round Up

January 24: Monthly Round Up
January 24: Monthly Round Up

January is always a long month, but for some reason this January has seemed even longer!

This month saw The Recruiting Playbook hit over 1,000 subscribers, thank you to everyone who has subscribed! I never believed when I started this blog that it would reach this number so quickly.

Having spent the last (almost) 20 years in the Recruiting & Talent Acquisition space, I like to think I'm in a pretty good position to be able to help others.

I started this blog to do three things:

  • Write about recruitment, share my opinion & what I consider to be best practise (I'm not always right!)
  • Help people who are looking for work by providing job search and interview tips.
  • Provide general career advice.

Here is a round up of January's articles in case you missed any:

Recruitment & Talent Acquisition

Sourcers Are Not Junior Recruiters

For some reason, the role of sourcer has always been seen as an entry level role in the world of recruitment and Talent Acquisition.

Whilst sourcing can be a great entry point for those who want to move into a recruiter role, sourcing is a skillset and career path in it’s own right.
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A Great Candidate Experience Starts with Recruiter Enablement

Let’s face it recruiters are time poor.

Inefficient processes, poor ways of working, requisition overload and way too much demand on a recruiter’s time are the root causes of a poor candidate experience.

So what is recruiter enablement and how will that help? Continue Reading

Will AI Replace Recruiters?

I love AI, I use it every single day.

It makes me more efficient, it makes me better at my job, but is it coming to take my job completely?

In a word, no.

AI can already filter CVs, source candidates, message candidates, provide shortlists, book interviews, provide feedback, answer candidate and hiring manager questions, it can basically do a large chunk of what a recruiter does each day. Continue Reading

Agency Recruiters: How to Sell to In-House Recruiters

If we’re connected on LinkedIn you’ll have probably seen some of my posts/rants about some the calls I get from agency recruiters. On average I’d say I probably get around ten calls per day, so let’s say fifty per week.

Of those fifty cold calls, I’d say maybe two of them last longer than a couple of minutes and that’s because they’re good calls from recruiters who don’t have the same pitch as the other 96% that have called that week. Recruiters who I will stay in touch with. Continue Reading

Why You Shouldn’t Be Aiming To Hire a Team Of Super Chickens

Building a team of highly driven, super productive over achievers sounds like the dream for any organisation right?

Get a bunch of brilliant people all working together and they’ll do amazing things, or so you’d think. Continue Reading

Asking Candidates Their Current Salary Is As Unnecessary As Asking Their Shoe Size

I shared a LinkedIn post yesterday which caused quite a bit of debate.

The post basically said that recruiters & hiring managers should stop asking candidates about their current salary and it’s as relevant as their shoe size. Continue Reading

Job Search Advice

How To Prepare For Your Job Interview Like A Pro

In my almost 20 years as a recruiter I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates and you can tell within the first five minutes of the interview whether they’re prepared or not.

Why does preparing for a job interview matter? Well it shows your interviewers that you’re taking it seriously and that you do your research before any important meeting, which is pretty much what a job interview is. Continue Reading

The Top 10 Interview Questions & How To Answer Them

I've been a recruiter for a long time and I've sat in a LOT of interviews. Here are the most common interview questions and how best to answer them.

I'm not saying they're the best questions but they are the most common. Continue Reading

Also don't forget to download this Free CV Template if you need some help getting started with your job search and CV.


Why Introverts Make Great Leaders

Ever noticed how the loudest person in the room isn't always the one who's leading the pack? Well, that's because sometimes, the best leaders are the introverts – those quiet, thoughtful folks who might not be the life of the party but sure know how to run a show. Continue Reading


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