How To Prepare For Your Job Interview Like A Pro

How To Prepare For Your Job Interview Like A Pro
How To Prepare For Your Job Interview Like A Pro

In my almost 20 years as a recruiter I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates and you can tell within the first five minutes of the interview whether they’re prepared or not.

Why does preparing for a job interview matter? Well it shows your interviewers that you’re taking it seriously and that you do your research before any important meeting, which is pretty much what a job interview is.

But more importantly, it gives you more confidence and power as you go into your job interview.

So here is how to prepare for your job interview like a pro.

Know The Job Description

Yes you’ve already read it, but read it again, and again. Make sure you know it inside out. What are the most important parts of the role and how do your skills and experience set you up to excel in that job.

These are going to be the things you focus on discussing in your interview.