March 24 Monthly Round Up

March 24 Monthly Round Up
March 24 Monthly Round Up

Thanks to everybody who has subscribed to this newsletter, and to the new 1500-ish folk who signed up in March – welcome!

March has been an interesting month, my TikTok account has jumped from 22,000 followers to 35,000 followers, which is just insane, if you are on TikTok you can follow me here - @theintrovertedrecruiter

I created the TikTok account on a bit of a whim because I was getting a bit fed up with a lot of the really bad advice out there (there are some good too) and it’s just spiraled from there, so much so that a journalist from reach out and asked to feature one of my videos when it comes to salary negotiation. Crazy!

You can see the Newsweek article here and the video here.

The “Open To Work” banner debate is still doing the rounds, with some people unsure whether to use it because certain “influencers” say it makes you look desperate.

In a recent LinkedIn Poll, 89% of over 1,000 participants said it doesn’t make you look desperate. I don’t know about you but I trust data over “influencers” every single time!

Things have been quiet on the blog in March as there’s been some personal stuff going on but I’ll be back adding way more content over April.

Here are some of the things you may  have missed from the blog, The Recruiting Playbook, in March:

Things I would do to kickstart my job search and give myself the best possible chance of landing a new job

If I suddenly found myself out of work tomorrow, these are the things I would do to kickstart my job search and give myself the best possible chance of landing a new job. Continue Reading

3 red flags candidates look out for in hiring companies: They’re how you ‘get blacklisted,’ says ex-(insert company name) recruiter

This article was written in response to an article titled “3 red flags recruiters look out for in job candidates: They’re how you ‘get blacklisted,’ says ex-Amazon recruiter”. I’m sure you’ll agree that my article is as equally nonsensical as the original article found on CNBC. Continue Reading

Is It Ok To Lie On Your CV Or Resume?

Given how tough the job market is, it can be really tempting to lie on your CV.

Just a few little white lies like changing dates to cover a gap in employment, a little upgrade on your degree or exam results, or maybe even changing your job title to make it sound a bit more grander than it really is. Continue Reading

Crowdsourcing Job Search Advice From Recruiters

You should never take advice from just one person I reckon, and it's best to get advice from some different people to help you decide which advice you're going to listen to.

So that being said I asked my network of Recruiters and Talent Acquisition Leaders on LinkedIn the below question and then captured all of the comments to give you as much well rounded advice as possible. Continue Reading

Free CV Template

This has had hundreds of downloads and I’ve had countless messages from people telling me that they’ve used it and it has helped them land job interviews, get your free copy here.

Premium Content

I try to create as much content for free as I can, I’ve got loads of recruitment experience and genuinely want to give back and help as many people as I can.

But, the cost of web hosting and managing a subscriber list has got a little bit silly, so I’ve introduced some premium content for paid subscribers only to help cover my costs.

You can check out the premium content here and as a thank you for supporting the site you’ll also get a copy of my ebook – The Ultimate Guide To Job Searching

Thank you all for engaging with my content on socials, sharing your views and following along.

If you do want to follow me TikTok, Instagram, YouTube etc you can find all my social links here -

Have a great April!

