2023 Highlights: My Favourite Recruitment Posts

2023 Highlights: My Favourite Recruitment Posts
2023 Highlights: My Favourite Recruitment Posts

This year has been a strange one for many given the state of the market, it's clear that Talent Acquisition Teams needs to work smarter and Recruiters need to upskill themselves as much as they possibly can.

I started this blog to help share some of my experience in doing this Recruitment thing for almost 20 years and if I can pass on even just a tiny nugget that helps Recruiters & TA Folk then it's been time well spent.

I'm even trying to get over my fear of the camera and started a TikTok and Instagram channel where I chat about Recruitment. Do check them out.

So here it goes my favourite articles from this blog this year:

Recruiter Enablement? What’s that all about?
At it’s simplest, it’s about supercharging recruiters by arming them with the right tools, resources, and training needed to excel in their roles
Is Talent Acquisition Reluctant to innovate?
Recruitment leaders, give your teams the space to think and ponder. Innovation rarely comes from doing things the way they’ve always been done.
Recruiter Skills: Writing your Job Advert
Candidates where coming to me, really good tech talent was applying for my jobs. I didn’t have to go out and find them, they found me. I was unearthing great candidates, I didn’t even need to
A Recruiting Mindset: Servant or Business Partner?
To be a truly successful recruiter, to build great relationships with your managers and bring in the best talent for your business you need to change your mindset. Stop thinking of hiring managers as your customers, they’re not.
Recruiting Skills: How To Take A Hiring Manager Brief
The moment you sit down with a hiring manager to take a brief is the single most important part of the recruitment process. If you don’t get this right you will waste a huge amount of time and energy, struggle to fill the vacancy, give a terrible candidate experience, horrendous hiring manager experience and you as a recruiter won’t have a great time either.
Candidate Experience Is Driven By Recruiter Experience
Let’s talk candidate experience, let’s talk ghosting, let’s talk recruiter experience. They’re all linked, obviously.
Will AI replace recruiters? Here’s 10 reasons it won’t
On that last point, switching jobs is a MASSIVE deal for most people. Adding a new team member is a big deal for most hiring managers. AI won’t give a shit…
Skills Based Hiring Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated
benefits of skills based hiring, which I think everybody largely agrees on, but one of the things I rarely see is some really practical examples of how to implement it and success stories.
My Career In Talent Acquisition & Possible Midlife Crisis
Like most people I fell into recruitment. After school I had no idea what I wanted to do, so I thought I’d just do the best degree that my grades would enable me to do, so I started my Law degree at The University of Liverpool.
The Introverted Recruiter
but do you want to know why introverts make great recruiters? Empathy, we have bags of it. Switching jobs is a massive deal, as is hiring a new person into your team. Being accountable for both of these needs a lot of empathy.

And if you find yourself looking for work as we head into 2024 you might find this free CV Template & Advice quite handy:

Writing A CV Is Hard: Here’s a free CV Template To Get You Started
I’ve created this free CV template that you can use to write your own CV with advice on what to include in each section, along with some examples.


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