Will AI replace recruiters? Here's 10 reasons it won't

Will AI replace recruiters? Here's 10 reasons it won't
Will AI replace recruiters? Here's 10 reasons it won't

AI won’t replace recruiters, here’s why:

1. Whilst most hiring managers know what they want, many struggle to articulate it and it requires somebody who knows how to ask the right questions. A lot of the time, hiring managers don’t know what they want.

2. Think an AI generated job advert is going to attract quality talent? Think again.

3. Think AI is going to send highly personalized and persuasive messages to passive candidates about a role that might be better than they have today? See above.

4. Think AI is going to have engaging and empathetic conversations with candidates as they move through the hiring process? Nope.

5. Think AI is going to find suitable candidates for vacancies? Ask AI to write you a search string based on a JD or brief and you’ll see what I mean.

6. Are hiring managers going to be able to make offers to candidates with finesse and empathy? Offer management is a skill, and not one that can be automated.

7. Are hiring managers going to self serve and self manage themselves through the hiring process with the support of AI? Not likely.

8. Will AI help candidates prepare for their interview, understanding the nuances of each hiring manager and process?

9. Will AI screen CVs and automate shortlists for hiring managers? It already does, the results aren’t that impressive and lots of great candidates miss out.

10. Most importantly, will AI care enough about the process, the stakeholders and the candidates?

On that last point, switching jobs is a MASSIVE deal for most people. Adding a new team member is a big deal for most hiring managers. AI won’t give a shit…


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