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Hey there!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

My name’s Lee Harding, I’ve been working in Recruitment & Talent Acquisition for the best part of 20 years.

Like most folk I fell into Recruitment, I left university and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, applied for a recruitment job and the rest is history.

I started agency side doing tech recruitment, then moved on to co-found a Recruitment SaaS business raising over £1m in funding along the way, before moving in house and leading Talent Acquisition functions.

Today, I work for an embedded TA provider where I head up the Talent Acquisition, Talent Intelligence and Recruitment Enablement functions.

I love TA and I love writing, so I thought I’d pen my thoughts on TA and best practise into this blog, The Recruiting Playbook.

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Also feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and even TikTok

